Post Operative Instructions after Bariatric Surgery

Check temperature and pulse twice daily for the first week. Call if fever is 101° or higher or if pulse is over 120.

Contact your doctor for vomiting or abdominal pain lasting more than 4 hours or diarrhea lasting over 24 hours.

Contact your doctor anytime you feel the need to be seen for emergency medical attention related to your surgery, especially if seen by another physician or hospital.

You may bathe or shower; do not scrub incisions for 3 weeks. Notify us if you notice any redness or drainage from incisions. Wash with antibacterial soap and gently pat dry.

Postoperative instructions after obesity surgery
These instructions will serve as general guidelines to assist you in your recovery after surgery for severe obesity. If you have a question or problem, do not hesitate to call our office for instructions.

Discharge Instructions:

  1. Use incentive spirometry bottle four times daily for 10 days.
  2. You may walk, go up and down stairs and drive a car as soon as you feel up to it. Do Not Take Pain Medication and Drive.
  3. No lifting more than 25 pounds the first 3 weeks.
  4. No activity restrictions after 3 weeks.
  5. Increased gas is common the first 3-6 weeks. We recommend Gas-X or Di-Gel for relief.
  6. Do not take any anti-inflammatory pain medications unless approved by Dr. Champion (i.e. Ibuprofen, Advil, Motrin, Naprosyn, Aleve, Daypro, Celebrex, Vioxx, Bextra, etc.) YOU MAY TAKE TYLENOL PRODUCTS (Acetaminophen).
  7. Take vitamin-calcium supplements daily.Two (2) Flintstones Chewable with iron
  8. Calcium 1500mg plus Vit. D 800 units (chewable for the first 6 weeks). Examples are Caltrate-D (3 per day), Citracal-D (3 per day) and Viaciv Calcium Chews (3 per day)
  9. Two (2) Feosol if Female with menstrual periods
  10. Do Not Take Calcium and Iron Together or it will block the absorption of the iron
  11. Female patients should not become pregnant for 18 months until weight loss has stabilized or injury could occur to the unborn child.
  12. Female patients who have menstrual periods should take 2 iron tablets (Feosol) daily until they reach menopause.
  13. Do Not Donate Blood.

The post-op diet is divided into 3 stages to allow a gradual adjustment.

Stage I: Liquid diet of 6 / meals / day x 2 weeks with 3 protein supplements per day

Stage II: Soft diet of 6 meals / day x 4 weeks with 2 protein supplements per day

Stage III: Regular diet of 3 meals / day + 1 Afternoon Snack

PROTEIN SUPPLEMENTS: Designer Protein from GNC, Isopure, Pure Pro Powder or any protein powder supplement from a health food store containing 20 grams of whey protein and 6 grams of carbohydrates per serving. Sample packets need to be divided in half before mixing. 1 of the sample packets = 2 protein supplements.

Mix in 4 -5 oz of liquid of your choice. If you choose milk, it would be best to use skim milk or lactaid milk as lactose intolerance can occur the first few weeks after surgery. The protein powder can also be mixed with yogurt or with fruit and fruit juice if blenderized.

Liquid Diet
coffee, tea, fruit juice
crystal light, nutrasweet koolaide
diet drinks
blenderized soup
skim milk or lactaid milk
sugar free jello, popsicles
mashed potatoes
light yogurt
sugar-free pudding
cottage cheese
oatmeal, grits, cream of wheat

Liquids only from list above six times daily at set times (i.e. 8am, 10am, noon, 2pm, 5pm, 8pm)
Liquid protein supplements 3 times daily for 3 of the 6 meals.
Note: Most people can only drink 1 protein drink per day the first 2-3 days, due to swelling.
Remember: small amounts (4-6 ounces)

Go Slow ( 30 minute to drink 6 ounces )

When you feel full STOP! No carbonated drinks for 2 weeks

Soft foods from the list below can now gradually be added to your diet:

Liquid Diet
Soft fruit ( banana, melon, strawberries)
Cooked vegetables, any except corn
Fish, seafood
Soft pasta (well chewed)
Toast or crackers
*****Do Not Eat Chicken Salad, Corn, Rice or Soft Bread*****

Six meals per day with a liquid protein supplement twice daily for two of the meals
No liquids with meals if soft food is included- you must wait 30-45 minutes for the pouch to empty before drinking.
CHEW WELL! The food must be almost liquefied before swallowing

Gradually add regular foods and remember:

Eat only at set meal times and at set snack time
NO LIQUIDS with meals or for 30 minutes afterwards.
Avoid cheap caloriesFats
High calorie liquid
Sweets, ice cream, junk food, cookies
Discontinue protein supplements

Follow three stage diet plan to allow gradual adjustment)
Eat only at set meal times, no grazing
Go slow
Chew well
When you feel full: STOP!
* Liquids, junk food, and sweets do not relieve hunger! Only solid food, which fills the pouch and empties slowly, will relieve hunger